To view our school's Reading curriculum (CONTENT) progress maps, visit our Creative Curriculum webpage.
Reading at Coopersale
The National Curriculum states that pupils should be taught to read fluently, understand extended prose and be encouraged to read for pleasure. Reading is singled out as of extreme importance since through it ‘pupils have a chance to develop culturally, emotionally, intellectually, socially and spiritually’ Reading allows pupils to ‘acquire knowledge’ and to ‘build on what they already know’.
Reading is taught through:
See our separate Phonics page for more information.
Individual reading is used as an assessment tool, once every half-term, to aid target setting and future planning. The child reads aloud and is supported to use appropriate reading and/or comprehension strategies. This can take place with the class teacher and any support staff.
Reading aloud Teachers model on a weekly basis, intonation, fluency and enjoyment of reading thereby helping to foster enthusiasm and motivation, as well as broadening the language experience of the children. This is done through whole-class teaching of reading.
Independent reading Children are encouraged to engage in independent reading by given the opportunity to select and read according to personal preferences. Teachers encourage SQUIRT time (Super-Quiet-Uninterrupted-Reading Time), Book corners and our corridor libraries are well stocked with a range of genres.
Whole class reading.
We read one non-fiction text every two weeks in Reception and KS1; and one fiction text each half term in KS2 as part of our whole class reading. We have carefully selected our texts to make sure we introduce our children to a range of new authors, and a range of new themes within their reading. We supplement this reading with non-fiction, picture books and poetry to make links to different points where we feel most appropriate. We also study other non-fiction texts that link to our creative curriculum.
Reception and Year 1 follow a ‘talk through the story approach’. They share the book together as a class and then complete some phonic, vocabulary and comprehension activities linked to what they have read. The teacher models what good reading looks like to the pupils, and they can then echo, paired read or jump in to join in with the story.
Year 2 and KS2 use a whole class reading approach. Whole class reading is a fantastic opportunity to build reading skills and confidence within the classroom. It encourages whole-class discussion and allows students to share ideas, as well as learn from other students around them. This technique allows us to model to the children what good reading looks like; support them to increase their reading fluency; expand their vocabulary and enhance their ability to comprehend texts. We love this approach as it means every child gets the opportunity to read every day.
Sending books home
Children on books bands will take home 2 books each week: 1 fully de-codable reading book which is matched to their reading level and should be read by the child to the adult; and 1 story book/non-fiction book that is for the parent/carer to read to/with the child for pleasure. Children must have their reading books changed at least once weekly.
Free readers will always take home 1 reading book from either the whole school library or the class library and this book will be changed when the child finishes it. Any library books must be logged in and out by teachers so books do not go missing.