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Coopersale & Theydon Garnon C.E. (V.C) Primary School


01992 574890


Our Creative Curriculum

Autumn Term 2024 Learning Journeys (See your child's book bag for a hard copy)

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Summer Term 2024 Learning Journeys

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Spring Term 2024 Learning Journeys

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Autumn Term 2023 Learning Journeys

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Summer Term 2023 Learning Journeys 

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Spring Term 2023 Learning Journeys

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Autum Term 2022 Learning Journeys

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Summer Term 2022 Learning Journeys

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Our Creative Curriculum explained
(Includes English, Science and Foundation Subjects of the National Curriculum for KS1 & KS2)

The Chris Quigley Essentials Curriculum: With our Creative Curriculum intent focussed on planning exciting termly topics that our children want to learn, as well as, incorporating a mastery approach, we have chosen to follow the Chris Quigley Essentials Curriculum which sets out essential coverage, learning objectives and standards which are required for all subjects. Furthermore, it provides progress measures for all subjects including personal development. 

One of the primary reasons why we have chosen to adopt this curriculum is because it emphasises the importance of developing the depth of children’s learning. In essence, this means providing children with increased cognitive challenge, allowing them to apply the skills which they have learnt independently in a range of contexts rather than moving them onto the next skill needlessly when they have not truly mastered it. Such thinking is encapsulated in the scenario below:

At Coopersale, we want to challenge our children to become independent, well-round individuals who take ownership of their learning and become deep thinkers. Moreover, we want our children to be able to apply their knowledge and skill set in a range of contexts within school and real life. 

DRIVERS: In order for our curriculum to further flourish, we decided as a school that having key threads running through our topics as a backbone to how and what we teach was essential. These would ‘drive’ learning forwards and become the ‘drivers’ for Coopersale’s creative curriculum. Our drivers include: our school's Vision and Christian values , to promote our proud Christian distinctiveness as a Church school; our Equality objective and each year our teaching team identify drivers based on the needs of the community and in particular, our pupil group. 

These drivers form the basis of everything we do and how we behave in and around school, from Reception to Year 6, in all aspects of school life.  They also support the teaching of British Values throughout the school.

Our Creative Curriculum (CONTENT) Progress Maps - download below 

 Reading assessment grids LKS2.pdfDownload
 Reading assessment grids UKS2.pdfDownload
 Science POS - Milestone 1.pdfDownload
 Science POS - Milestone 2.pdfDownload
 Science POS - Milestone 3.pdfDownload
 Writing assessment grids KS1.pdfDownload
 Writing assessment grids LKS2.pdfDownload
 Writing assessment grids UKS2.pdfDownload
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