Important information for next week18 September 2020 (by admin) |
Dear Parents/Carers,
Your children will be bringing their P.E kits home today. This is following slight changes to our School's systems in line with our updated Covid Risk Assessments. From next week, your children will wear their P.E kits to School on their P.E days and remain in them for the rest of the day.
Here is the PE days for each class:
Reception Class: Not yet happening
Year 1: Mondays and Wednesdays
Year 2: Mondays and Thursdays
Year 3: Mondays and Thursdays
Year 4: (both classes): Tuesdays and Thursdays
Year 5: Mondays
Year 6: Mondays
Year 4 exemption is this Tuesday 22nd September - please wear uniforms to School and bring in their P.E kits as it is our individual photo day.
Lastly, as mentioned above, individual photo day is next Tuesday 22 September. Please make sure your child is wearing their full School uniform on that day. More details have just been sent to you in today's School Newsletter.
Take care and have a wonderful weekend ahead.