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Coopersale & Theydon Garnon C.E. (V.C) Primary School


01992 574890

  1. News
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  3. Signs and symptoms of Type 1 diabetes

Signs and symptoms of Type 1 diabetes

1 February 2021 (by admin)

A message to parents from NHS and East of England Children and Young People’s Diabetes Network,

Undiagnosed Type 1 diabetes in children requires urgent medical attention.  

If your child has ANY of the main symptoms of Type 1 diabetes please make an urgent GP appointment or contact the Out of Hours service. The main symptoms are known as the 4 T's – Thirst, Toilet, Tiredness and Thinner. If you notice your child is thirsty or using the toilet more frequently, is always feeling tired, or has lost weight recently, please seek immediate medical advice.

NHS services are very well equipped to look after children safely if they are unwell. Please do not delay seeking medical advice.

More information is available on the link below.