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Coopersale & Theydon Garnon C.E. (V.C) Primary School


01992 574890

  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Summer Reading Challenge

Summer Reading Challenge

12 July 2024 (by admin)

Dear parents/carers, 

Today, the children had an assembly to inform them all about this year's Summer Reading Challenge. This is being run by all Essex libraries. They have also been given a bookmark with the key information on.

The aim is for children to read 6 books over the summer. These can be any books of their choice, and if you cannot get to the library, you can also take part online. 
Reading is the key to learning, and I urge all of you to please sign your children up to take part this summer. We know children's learning takes a huge dip in the holidays, so joining this challenge can help keep their reading steady in preparation for the new school year.

Once the challenge has been completed, children will also be awarded a certificate and medal which we would love to see brought into school in September. Everyone who returns the certificate and medal in the first 2 weeks back, will be congratulated in our celebration assembly and will have their name put into a draw. 2 names will then be picked, at random, and these pupils can then each pick their own book for us to buy, for them to keep as their own as a prize!

Following this message, two attachments will be sent to you on Jotter (poster and parent information letter if you would like any more information). 

You can also log on to the link below for more details. 

Please, please get involved! Happy reading and I look forward to seeing all the medals in September. 

Miss Nicholson
Deputy Headteacher and English Lead