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Coopersale & Theydon Garnon C.E. (V.C) Primary School


01992 574890

  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Year 2 - Consent to watch a PG Film

Year 2 - Consent to watch a PG Film

15 July 2024 (by admin)

Dear Year 2 Parents,
We will be watching the film Wonka in class on Friday, 19th July, as we have almost finished reading the book. This is a PG film, therefore we would like you to notify us if you DO NOT give permission for your child to watch it. Please can all non-consents be given to the school by Wednesday, 17th July, so that I have enough time in advance to arrange alternative work for any children to be withdrawn.
Thank you.
Kind regards,
Miss Luck
(Year 2 Class Teacher)