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Coopersale & Theydon Garnon C.E. (V.C) Primary School


01992 574890

  1. News
  2. School News
  3. A message for Year 5 moving to Year 6 in September

A message for Year 5 moving to Year 6 in September

23 July 2024 (by admin)

Dear Children, Parents & Carers,

I am very much looking forward to working with you all next year. I thought it would be useful to give you a little bit of information before we get started in September.


I am happy for the children to have a small pencil case to keep on their desks, in which they can keep the pencil and pens they use on a daily basis, scissors, glue, a small ruler and a rubber (all of which will be provided by school). They can also have a separate, small pencil case to keep their own coloured pens and/or pencils. They do not have to have these, as we have coloured pens and pencils in school, but I know some children like stationary and like to use their own things. The key thing is to have pencil cases that can fit in their draws. Please note that they do not have to have a pencil case at all.

In Year 6, there is a focus on personal responsibility in preparation for secondary school and children will be expected to look after and keep safe their own equipment.


In preparation for Year 6, please practise or learn the following skills:

  • Times Tables – go over these regularly so you don’t have to re-learn them. Also practise the corresponding division facts.
  • Year 5/6 Spelling Words.
  • Telling the time – preferably on an analogue and digital clock, but if you can not get the hang of an analogue clock, then make sure you understand a digital display and that you know how many minutes in an hour and how many seconds in a minute. Can you work out the time lapse between two times? E.g. How long between 10:20 am and 1:30pm?
  • Shoe laces – please make sure you can do up your own shoelaces.
  • Although not immediately necessary, before SATS you will need to know your date of birth and your full name, including any middle names and how to spell them.

Some of these things may sound obvious, but I wouldn’t mention them if they weren’t common issues we come across in Year 6!

In the meantime, have a happy and safe summer and I look forward to seeing you back in September.

Mrs Gardiner