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Coopersale & Theydon Garnon C.E. (V.C) Primary School


01992 574890

  1. News
  2. School News
  3. School Policies - latest updates

School Policies - latest updates

10 March 2025 (by admin)

Dear Families,

Following our most recent School's Governing Board meeting, the following policy updates were approved:

  1. Children Missing Education for Health Needs Policy
  2. Debt Recovery Policy for School Dinners
  3. Educational Visits Policy
  4. Equality Information and Objectives Policy
  5. School Uniform
  6. SEND Policy (Including School SEND Information Report)

A copy of each policy has been uploaded to our website - the link below will take you directly to our policies webpage.

School Uniform Policy: Please spend time reading the updates to our uniform policy, below are two particular sections where changes made will make it easier for you to shop for and comply with expectations:

Brand Logos and Slogans

  • Larger prominent logos and slogans are not permitted on any uniform items.
  • Jumpers, cardigans, shirts & blouses must not have visible named branded logos.
  • Logos on school uniform footwear, ideally will be in black (small and inconspicuous logos will be acceptable).
  • Other name branded items of clothing are acceptable if the logo is small and inconspicuous.



  • School uniform footwear: We want our children’s feet to be healthy, therefore, all pupils must wear well-fitting shoes with an appropriate low heel. Appropriate school uniform footwear includes: black school shoes, black trainers and black ankle boots (no heels). Logos on school uniform footwear ideally will be in black (small and inconspicuous logos will be acceptable).
  • P.E. Trainers: To support parents/carers financially, we recognise the benefits of children having one pair of trainers for combined use at home and for School P.E. days. Therefore, we do not require P.E. trainers to be black or plain in design in the same way as shoes worn as part of school uniform. However, trainers must still be suitable for physical education so must be comfortable for full day wear, protective for active feet/use in games/sports and have no parts that could harm children/distract children from learning, such as lights.

With kind regards,

Coopersale and Theydon Garnon C.E. Primary School