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Coopersale & Theydon Garnon C.E. (V.C) Primary School


01992 574890

  1. News
  2. School Nurse Hoax

School Nurse Hoax

12 January 2020 (by admin)

Dear Parents,

I want to inform you of an incident: An Essex primary school recently received information from a parent that someone reporting to be a School Nurse contacted them by text to ask questions about their child. This was reported to the Police and has been confirmed as a hoax. Virgin Care wish to give the following advice to parents:

School Nurses do not send text messages as their first contact with parents.
If you receive a text message requesting information about your child from anyone claiming to be a School Nurse, please DO NOT engage.
To check the validity of any request received, please contact the Essex Child and Family Wellbeing Service Single Point of Access:

West Essex 0300 247 0122

Many thanks for reading.

Mr D. Bateman
