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Coopersale & Theydon Garnon C.E. (V.C) Primary School


01992 574890

  1. News
  2. School News
  3. School Closure Over Easter

School Closure Over Easter

3 April 2020 (by admin)

Dear Parents/Carers,
This is a confirmation message that the school will not be open over the Easter holiday period due to no supervision requests being given to the school from our eligible pupil list.

However, if circumstances change and supervision is required across the Easter period, the school will require a suitable notice period to arrange cover staff. Please contact the school via our admin email address only, as the school telephone line will not be monitored over the Easter holiday period:

To confirm, eligible pupils of a school place during the Easter break, are: school known vulnerable pupils and those with a social service involvement; pupils with Educational Health Care Plans; critical worker's children who have met requirements to be cared for by the school as the safest alternative to staying at home.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mr D Bateman
